Clan ice hockey stars to give shirts off their backs for veterans’ charity
Ice hockey stars will literally be giving the shirts off their backs on Armistice Day to raise money for Erskine Veterans Charity.
The Glasgow Clan has decided that their home game against rivals Fife Flyers on Saturday, November 11, should be dedicated to raising money for the charity that supports former members of the armed forces in Scotland.
Clan players also paid Erskine a visit to meet residents – including 101-year-old Sandy Cormack – and showed off their skills with a hockey stick and a ball. Then some of the residents got the chance to join in the action and hit a few balls with a hockey stick.
The players will be wearing specially-designed Remembrance camouflage jerseys during the game, on Saturday and the tops will be auctioned off to fans after the match. All profits from the auction will go to Erskine Veterans Charity.
The players’ will also be wearing limited-edition jerseys based on a poppy design during their warm-up before the game. These tops can be won in a Shirt Off The Back prize draw with tickets costing only £1.
Photo: Clan player Jake Bolton shares a laugh with Erskine resident, 89-year-old Nancy Barr
The Clan has also organised a bucket collection during Saturday night’s game at Braehead Arena, with a 7pm face-off.
The winning bidders for the match-night jerseys can also have their photograph taken with the player whose jersey they have successfully bid for.
The Erskine Veterans Charity provides unrivalled support to veterans in Scotland, through three care homes and a Veterans Village, comprising of 44 cottages, an Activities Centre, five Assisted Living Apartments and 24 Transitional Supported Apartments.
Erskine Chief Executive Ian Cumming said: “We were absolutely delighted to welcome the Glasgow Clan to Erskine today, where they enjoyed a fun game of hockey with our Veterans.
“We are looking forward to joining the team at the Braehead Arena on Armistice Day, and wish them the very best of luck with their match. We are very grateful for their support of Erskine”.
Glasgow Clan managing director, Gareth Chalmers said: “It is only right that on Armistice Day we should be doing something to support the charity that provides so much support to our veterans from the Armed Forces.
“Our fans are well-known for their generosity when it comes to supporting good causes and I hope they will donate as much as they can.”
Photo: Clan players, from left, Cody Sol, Euan Simpson, Bryce Reddick and Jake Bolton meet up with 101-year-old Erskine resident Sandy Cormack